Looting of the EI fund: Billions owed to unemployed
This to me is just another masquerade benefit that the Gov just doesn't want to pay anyone. If a system is properly administered then there should not be a 57 billion dollar surplus. The money must of course be available to meet possible rises in need if the economy turns sour but 57 Billion when the whole country only has 35 Million People. I think there is something drastically wrong here. But once again we just let them get away with it. Some of the things that happen in Canada and the U.S. would just not be tolerated in the more advanced European countries... French and British citizens would be burning cars in the street if something like this happened and nothing was done about it.But then again they have governments that at least are still fearful of the people and they cannot get away with such acts. We on the other had are afraid and take it.
Anyhow there I go again... I have paid into the EI program for many years. Being an IT guy we sometimes change positions a lot and it is very common to work for yourself and of course claim this as "Other self employed income". One however cannot contribute to EI when you are self employed as they are concerned you will pay a higher premium somewhat doctoring your income and thus be able to claim the maximum benefit when you did not earn it... I guess I can see their point but what about those who are legitimate. I for example worked many years for one company and decided when a good opportunity came along I would take the chance. Things however did not work out as expected and I wound up finishing a contract for myself and was then unemployed.
The first place I went was to EI.. With past earnings I would have collected the maximum benefit and thought I could live on that no problem. The max is 477 a week. If you live on a budget then this would suffice at least until other employment was found. I was however turned down as I did not apply within one year of leaving the contributing company and therefor was not eligible to collect. I of course voiced my opinion and after being basically ignored as "rules are rules for the benefit of everyone" I left totally pissed off. Of course now forced to apply for social welfare which at $572 a month doesn't even put a roof over your head let alone feed you. That is another joke we will discuss in a later rant. Oh yes didn't qualify for that either as I have pension plan and RRSP's and such and you have to be destitute to qualify.
The joke being the rules that are there to protect everyone. No... the rules are there so they have every excuse to not pay you and thus build up fantastic surpluses that the Government can use for whatever they want and never get penalized for it.
So here is my questions for comment.
Should EI and Social Welfare be combined? Should people have to surrender their life's savings and pension plans to be eligible for assistance when the economy is not their fault?
Final Statement: If people do have to lose all they have worked for before they are eligible for assistance does that not mean that the taxpayer not only has to support them when they retire as they have nothing of their own, but they are also forced into poverty because of the low income they receive... Also should not the social welfare at least pay families an amount that is at or above the poverty level instead of less?
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